Friday, June 6, 2008

Going Out

Tonight, I am going out with my 2 neighbor friends, Cyndi and Patricia. I am excited about a girl's night - I rarely get them. Or rather, it is very difficult to coordinate a night to go out. There is nothing I love more than going out to dinner with friends, enjoying the meal, enjoying the conversation (too bad I can't enjoy a cocktail!), and being carefree for a few moments. I don't think I ever turned down an invitation to go out when I was single. Cyndi, Patricia, and I are like the 3 musketeers of the neighborhood. We have walked down our streets with 3 strollers (yes, we take up the whole road) when our boys were small. Our children have played for hours and hours in our backyards, our driveways, our porches (well, their porches), at Chick-Fil-A, at Monkey Joe' name it. LJ & Connor are 2 days apart, William 5 months younger (but more daring than LJ & Connor put together! :) ). LJ has spent so much time with them, he shouts for joy every time he sees them. Now, he's telling me to call their mommies when he gets bored and wants to go outside. This approaching 3 years is amazing me as he spilling out all of these smart ideas!
So, on that note, I'd better get going and get my kids up. We are in dire need of going shopping this morning!

1 comment:

e.c. said...

Yea for going out! LOVE girls night...doesn't happen very often for me either :( And yea...LJ is really making strides--look at him coming up with sentences and ideas all on his own!