Wednesday, July 22, 2015

The Art of Shoe Shopping

Today, while the older kids were at Backyard Bible Club (thanks to the grace of God - seriously), EW and I went shoe shopping.  She has this way of running and scooting on her bikes that tears off the toes of her shoes.


She will be 3 in September, but she is the most agile of the 4 kids. I knew last time I bought her shoes, we needed Stride Rite shoes. They have rubber on the tips that help protect it. However, for some reason they only sell them in hot pink.  EW is a ginger.

The older she gets, the worse pink looks on her. I avoid buying pink now, and even though the shoes will go on her feet, it won't match a lot of her clothes if I buy pink shoes. So in March, I bought grey Merrills (they still were lined with pink), and in 3 months, she ruined them.  This is not my first time around the block. She is the 4th kid. All of the other kids, I was able to pass down some of their shoes, and usually I can stretch tennis shoes almost 6 months.  Even her flip flops have their tips worn through. All of her boots were ruined last winter unless I held them back for special days.

So today, when presented with Stride Rite shoes, what were my options? Hot pink and hot rainbow with a lot of hot pink. So we got some seriously hot pink shoes. I hope they last. At least the turquoise matched her outfit today.  That turquoise on the tips? Yes, that will hopefully prevent holes. She tried them on, put her old shoes in the back of the stroller, then immediately got in her stroller to leave with her new shoes on. At least she knows what she wants.  I had to make her wait until I paid for the shoes.

Wild child. Love her.

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