Thursday, January 17, 2019

The Daily Fulfillment of His Purpose

It is interesting how God works.  It seems as I make new words for 2019, He reveals even more clearly how He will fulfill those words. 

My prayer list is full of heartbreaking prayers for broken bodies, broken people, and broken hearts.  Some hit close to home in recent weeks, and some I just see friends suffering in life.  I am helpless to fix any of it, but I know the One who can.  As my prayer time increases, God gives me eyes to see more people to pray for.

As I struggle daily with keeping up with what needs to be done, I write:

Reminding myself, when I am disciplined - whether it is doing Bible study and prayer in the morning, doing my tasks instead of putting them off and getting increasingly overwhelmed, discipline in eating gives margin for those cheat days - I create margin for all the many things I want to have time for. 

One of the things I really enjoy, as God brings the friendships and the time, is discipling other women.  It can also be called mentoring, but it is intentionally investing in a few select people, encouraging them, sharing God-given wisdom or experience as opportunity presents itself, and just loving on them.  My first job is to disciple my children.  I did pray about being able to come alongside a couple of women this year, though.  I love how if you listen to the Spirit, you can hear him nudge you and say, "this book would encourage her," or "you need to text her today to see if she needs a friend." 

So as I started today, realizing these words for 2019 are quickly becoming God's purpose for me this year, I am thankful.  My blog posts may not be as eloquent as when I have a day to sit on the porch, breathe the fresh air, and clear my mind of all the to do's for a couple of hours, but those days will come in a few months as school comes to a close, or on a weekend I might be able to get away.  For now, I am going to post as I have time and thoughts to share.  I see this culture discouraging so many around me and I want to provide a voice that helps change and encourage others. 

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