Wednesday, December 3, 2008


I am getting really excited. I don't know if it's because I finally know exactly how my delivery will go (planned C-section) and that I know recovery will definitely be better than it was with LJ. Or if it's because I have 2 other delightful boys who make me laugh despite all of their sassiness lately and I look forward to more intimate family funny moments. Or if after 9 months of carrying her in my belly, I am longing to just hold her and feed her and see her. In any case, one of my problems with a scheduled delivery is, it's like leaving for a trip. You get so excited, you can't sleep. Now, on a trip, where usually my husband does the driving or I can at least have a Starbucks, it doesn't really matter if I get sleep the night or 2 before. However, as most of you know, you prefer being well rested before having a newborn to take care of - especially if your body is also recovering from surgery at the same time. I just don't know, though, if I will be able to sleep tonight or tomorrow night! Some things are just too fun to think about! :)

1 comment:

Christian - Modobject@Home said...

So excited for you!!! Ask the doctor to call in something (or recommend) something to help you sleep tonight. My last night before Campbell's scheduled c-section was a sleepless one too. Can't wait to hear happy news!