Friday, January 31, 2014

2014...A Year of Change

2014 started off with a bang.  Usually the changing of the guards, the shifting of time, passes quietly for us even if the year is full of storms.  This year, the winds of change began 2 days after Christmas when we got a contract on our house and will continue throughout this year.  Our move is just one of several big things God brought into our life in 2014. 

There are a few things the last few (dizzying) weeks have brought me. 

God's timing is perfect.  5 days after we sold our house, we found out some difficult news about someone dear to us. 

Waiting on God leads to His perfect timing.  The timing of our transition enables us to be there for them in a way staying in our old routine did not.  We could not have done this had we not sold our house, nor if we had sold it too soon.

God prepares us even while we are unaware.  Our recent months of studying eucharisteo, thanksgiving and giving to others has prepared us for ministry to others.  Our own family's change of moving has become insignificant in light of the burdens of others.  We have several people in our lives who are suffering.  My prayer is that our family may be used in their lives to encourage, lift up, and serve.

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